Chiropractic care can help with conditions like:
- Lateral Epicondylitis aka "Tennis Elbow"
- Pain and inflammation in forearm and on OUTSIDE of elbow
- Tendonitis or tendonosis of the forearm muscles
- Caused by repetitious arm and wrist extension motions
- Video of treatment → HERE
- Medial Epicondylitis aka "Golfer's Elbow"
- Pain and inflammation in forearm and on the INSIDE of the elbow
- Tendonitis or tendonosis of the forearm muscles
- Caused by repetitious arm and wrist flexion motions
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Pain in the BOTTOM of the foot and/or in the heel
- Inflammation of a thick band of soft tissue that stetches across the bottom of the foot
- Common in runners, overweight individuals, and those with fallen arches
- Video of treatment → HERE
- Frozen Shoulder aka Adhesive Capsulitis
- Limited range of motion with pain deep in the shoulder joint
- Usually a history of a shoulder injury
- More common in women
- Sciatica
- Pain and inflammation in the low back that travels into the hip, buttock, and down the leg
- Numbness and/or loss of muscle strength in the thigh, calf, or foot
- Can be caused by disc issues in the lumbar spine and/or compression on the Sciatic nerve near the Piriformis muscle
- **If you're experiencing loss of bladder or bowel control and or numbness in the saddle area (inner thigh) go the Emergency Room
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome aka Median Nerve Compression
- Pain, tingling, or numbness in the wrist and hands
- Compression of the Median Nerve in the wrist
- Often confused with nerve radiculopathy from the cervical spine
- Common in those that do a lot of computer work, or repetitive wrist and forearm motions
- Sprain/Strains
- Microtrauma to grade 2 tears
A subluxation is a result of the spine in which alignment, movement integrity, and physiological functions are compromised due to functional, structural, and/or pathological articular changes.
Simply put, a very minor misalignment of a bone can reduce range of motion, put pressure on nerves and/or blood vessels, and even be the source of almost any dysfunction in the body.
Conditions that respond well to Upper Cervical Care:
- Neck/Back pain
- Headaches/Migraines
- Sciatica
- High Blood Pressure
- Whiplash
- Asthma
- Dizziness/Vertigo
- Digestive issues
- many more....